Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TV Special Edition:
Game of Thrones Season 1

Wow, that was epic
A VERY strong cast, mostly
Good production and

Some great writing all
Combine to bring George R.R.
Martin's books to life

Yes, it had some flaws
But the awesome moments far
Outweighed the shoddy

Bottom line: a good
Story, well told. With boobies!
And, Tyrion rocks.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Super 8

The nostalgic tone
And strong kid actors make for
A mostly fun time

Effects and action
Are pretty slick but could have
Been reigned in somewhat

The old-school charm is
Lost in the third act when we
Must learn some lessons

Go for the sci-fi
Stay for the heart, ignore the
Really sappy bits

Monday, June 6, 2011

X-Men: First Class

This movie caught me
Off guard by not being an
Utter waste of time

In fact, it's kind of
Fantastic. Fun, brisk, epic,
And very well cast

Vaughn's directing joins
A (mostly) tighter plot to
Create a Kick-Ass

Comic book movie
(See what I did there?) Just go
See it, and enjoy..

The Hangover: Part II

The characters less
Likeable, the plot re-hashed
None of it feels fresh

I really didn't
Enjoy all the jokes that were
Just lots of yelling

Yes some of the laughs
Are just as big as the last
But for the most part

It's the same movie
Just meaner and dirtier
And not as much fun

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This movie is great
What it comes down to is that
The jokes are funny

Great supporting cast
Melissa McCarthy and
John Hamm are stand outs

Snappy writing which
Goes beyond just being crass
Yet is still adult

The most impressive
Part is how it treats women:
Respectfully. Wow!